Creepers are a major source of gunpowder as well as the only way to obtain most.

Due to their distinctive appearance and high potential for killing unwary players as well as damaging the environment and players' constructions, creepers have become one of the icons of Minecraft, both among players and non-players. Any contributions or purchases made on this store goes to the Hypixel Development Team. A creeper is a common hostile mob that silently approaches players and explodes. This seller has received execeptionally high ratings from buyers for outstanding customer service. The goal in each challenge is to prevent stuff from blowing up using available tools You have only 20 sec.

Nor should it be considered a company endorsed by Mojang, AB. McPixel is a save-the-day guy that you guide through 100 short challenges in an old-school point'n'click fashion. Means complete the payment of the product cost first, then we will contact you to pay the shipping cost again via email based on your package final Actual or Volume weight.( Suitable for Large quantity or Wholesale customer orders and Product weight display error situation )Į will not ship any type of internationally merchandise such as Toy gun, Weapons, Fake weapons, Bow and Arrow, knife, Ammunitions or Any products containing Restricted Chemical Substances. The Hypixel server is in no way affiliated with Mojang, AB. Volume weight(kg) = L(cm) * W(cm) * H(cm) /5000 Saving the day the McPixel way McPixel is a save-the-day guy that you guide through 100 short challenges in an oldschool point'n'click fashion.

Customers can select the preferred shipping method deliver your package By the following Door to Door international transportation ways on Ebuy7Į-packet / Royamail / Correos / LA POSTE / USPS